Help Identify Wild Oyster Locations in Barnegat Bay     


Oysters in Barnegat Bay  

 <Barnegat Bay Shellfish Home page>

Reclam the Bay member Dave Moore would like help with his project of identifying locations where wild oyster are found in Barnegat Bay. 

The idea is to use all available eyes to keep a look out and document the presence of eastern oysters in Barnegat Bay, adjacent lagoons and tributaries.

As an example, oysters were found on the riprap of Oyster Creek, on rocks at the inlet, attached to the bulkhead at Barnegat town dock and occasional boat bottoms.

Other places to look include any hard surface (substrate) and where ribbed mussels attached to the salt marsh sod bank margins. They seem to prefer the vinyl bulkheads and other smooth attachment sites. 


If possible, it would be nice to note the location, substrate, number and approximate size. One could either use a hand held GPS, or pick up a DEP shellfish map and mark the location as well as notes on it.

The DEP shellfish map can be found at  New Jersey 2012 Shellfish Growing Water Classification Charts

Best time to look is on a low or blow out tide and it makes a great  excuse for a kayak tour


Any questions or to submit finds please go to:




The images below (left and center) show oyster(s) attached to ribbed mussels. 

The image on the right shows a cultch of  wild oysters.

Click on any image to enlarge

The images below (left and center) show oyster(s) attached to a bulkhead in a lagoon in Ship Bottom, NJ

The images below on the right show juvenile oysters of various sizes and shapes

Click on any image to enlarge

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